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Turning the Atom editor into an IDE

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This is how to turn the text editor Atom into an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Well, it's not that difficult since you just need to install a package.

Compared to creating other program development environments, there are fewer packages to install.

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WordPress, When the wp command is not available

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The 'wp' command in WordPress allows you to do things like you would do in the admin panel by entering commands.

However, there were times when the 'wp' command did not work, which happened to me four times. I was just using it wrong.

If you use it in the same way as a shell command, you will get an error immediately.

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MySQL/MariaDB, How to Restore

MySQL/MariaDB logo

Restoring MySQL is as simple as running the 'mysql' command from the backup file and restoring the database data.

The same is true for MariaDB.

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PHP, How to install composer

PHP composer is a command tool to manage packages.

It is absolutely necessary in the development of PHP programs. We will show you how to install the composer in a simple way with samples and captures.

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WordPress, How to move the environment

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There are four major copies of the WordPress moving process.

  • Database
  • Plugins
  • Theme
  • Uploaded files such as media files

The method I'm about to show you can also be done with WordPress multisite.

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PHP composer, Let's make the most of autoload !

PHP autoloading is the ability to define a 'use' operator to automatically load a class. It does not use the 'require' operator.

Autoloading is part of the 'composer' that manages PHP packages and is a necessary feature of PHP.

I will explain how to use it in a detailed and easy to understand manner.

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